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A refrigirator that integrates the following capabilities:

  1. Contents Tracking - The refrigirator tracks all its contents.
  2. Smart Device (Smart Phone/Tablet) capability: OS, touch screen, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, speakers.

Contents Tracking[]

The Smart Refrigirator can track its content by integrating the Multi-RFID Scanner Gate into its frame. It can then know when something new is inserted or fetched from the refrigirator.

Smart Device[]

The Smart Device integration allows the Refrigirator to run Apps, just like a Smart Phone. These Apps will probably be more "food oriented" and less "mobility oriented". For example:

  1. Shopping List - as the device automatically tracks its own contents, it can automatically create a shopping list of the missing items, and even alert the user to when he should go shopping.
  2. Recipe Manager - allows to browse the Internet for recipies, show compatibility with availabe contents in the refrigirator or add the missing ingridients to the Shopping List, display the recipie during preparation, set alarms as necessary.
  3. Energy Saving - as the device knows the amount of groceries in it, and the amount of cold that these groceries require, it can automatically set the required temprature for its contents, thus saving energy.


The items in the refrigirator must be tagged with RFID Tag Barcoding Infrastracture .
