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Dawn: The Velociraptor Warrior is a American action comic book series published by Yellowstone Comics since April 17th, 2005.


Set in a strange apocalyptic world where numerous strange creatures exist, a velociraptor scavenger known as Dawn travels across this strange apocalyptic world, making friends and enemies while exploring this strange and bizarre world.



  • Dawn - a cynical and mysterious humanoid velociraptor who is a scavenger, traveling across this apocalyptic world, wielding a sword that can turn into a gun as he makes friends and enemies while exploring this strange and bizarre world.


  • Lorelei - a mysterious woman dressed in all black who claims to be Dawn's guide as she claims to know of the mystical and strange, although she refuses to fight or even get involved in helping Dawn even more than just nudging him to the right direction.
  • Mia - an amnesiac human teenager who has become a wanderer, looking for both her past and a home as she finds and befriends Dawn, sometimes helping him on his missions although she sometimes has him help her try and uncover what exactly her past is, often being by herself.
  • Kai Lorrent - a young and free-spirited human with a taste for adventure and sports, being a vigilante and watchman, fighting against monsters and beasts, claiming himself to be a protector of the weak as he wields an axe that he can light on fire.


  • The Son of the Eclipse - a tyrannical and shadowy monster made out of pure darkness as he claims to be the start of the apocalypse and the source of all things bizarre, often clashing against Dawn and wants to rule over the entire apocalypse, heralding himself as a god to all men, animal and other.
  • Amber O'Dyx - a charismatic yet somewhat terrifying human mob boss and gang lord who has control over the apocalypse, running her own faction as she quite enjoys the power, having several people willing to fight and even die for her, although she prefers to not fight and just watch by the sidelines.
  • Gigan Kong - a cold and sadistic gorilla who runs a kingdom of brutal warmongering gorillas who believes in survival of the fittest, wanting to just destroy everyone and everything, believing that he is the only one worthy of being fit and living.
  • TBD


  1. TBD


