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Builderman: Begins is a 2023 action-adventure film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures. The film is a spin-off prequel to the 2020 animated film, ROBLOX: The Movie, It even takes place before Chad's Adventure. The film is about Builderman, and the other gods of the universe. It is a story of how they were born on Earth, then find themselves in space to find a new universe. It was released on September 15, 2023. It got mixed reviews and became a box-office flop.


Builderman and his friend ROBLOX heads to find a new universe. However when they find a new world they encounter a villainous duo simply known as John and Jane Doe.


Plot Point 1: Origins on Earth The film begins by introducing Builderman and the other gods of the universe as beings who were mysteriously born on Earth. Each god possesses unique abilities and characteristics that set them apart. As they grow and discover their powers, they develop a deep curiosity about the cosmos and yearn for something beyond the confines of their earthly existence.

Plot Point 2: The Call of the Stars One fateful night, as the gods gaze upon the starry sky, they feel an undeniable pull towards the vastness of space. They are drawn by an unexplained cosmic force that beckons them to embark on a journey of discovery. Fueled by their insatiable curiosity, they set out on a quest to find a new universe that holds the answers to their origins and the purpose of their existence.

Plot Point 3: Cosmic Trials and Revelations As the gods venture deeper into space, they encounter numerous challenges and trials that test their powers and resolve. They must navigate treacherous celestial phenomena, encounter enigmatic extraterrestrial beings, and confront their own inner demons. Along this arduous journey, they uncover startling revelations about the nature of their powers, the interconnectedness of the cosmos, and the true origins of their kind.

Plot Point 4: An Alliance of Gods During their cosmic odyssey, the gods form an unexpected alliance with other divine beings they encounter along the way. Together, they pool their unique abilities and knowledge, forming a formidable force that transcends individual power. This alliance becomes essential in their quest to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead and unravel the mysteries of the universe.

Plot Point 5: The Malevolent Force Amidst their exploration, the gods become aware of a malevolent force that seeks to harness their divine powers for nefarious purposes. This ancient evil, known as the Shadowbringer, has been manipulating cosmic energies to gain ultimate control over the universe. The gods must confront this formidable adversary and prevent the Shadowbringer from unleashing chaos and destruction upon the cosmos.

Plot Point 6: The Ultimate Sacrifice In their final confrontation with the Shadowbringer, the gods face their greatest challenge yet. They realize that defeating this malevolent force requires a sacrifice of unimaginable magnitude. Each god must willingly give up a part of themselves, their essence, to forge a weapon capable of vanquishing the Shadowbringer once and for all. With their powers diminished, the gods must rely on their resilience, wit, and the bonds they have forged to overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle.

Plot Point 7: The Birth of a New Universe Through their unwavering determination and selfless sacrifice, the gods succeed in defeating the Shadowbringer. As a result, a cosmic rebirth occurs, giving rise to a new universe teeming with potential and infinite possibilities. The gods, forever changed by their journey, find themselves at the dawn of a new era. They embark on a new chapter of exploration, enlightenment, and guiding the inhabitants of this nascent universe towards harmony and understanding.

Plot Point 8: Shedletsky's Revelation During their cosmic journey, the gods encounter Shedletsky, a major character and a revered deity of the ROBLOX universe. Shedletsky possesses the unique ability to manipulate souls and transcend physical forms. Recognizing the potential within Builderman, Shedletsky reveals a hidden truth — that Builderman's true essence is not confined to his current body and name. With Shedletsky's guidance, Builderman learns to unlock his true potential and tap into the vast well of cosmic energy that resides within him.

Plot Point 9: The Transformation Under Shedletsky's tutelage, Builderman undergoes a transformative process, shedding his old identity and assuming a new form. With his newfound powers and a renewed sense of purpose, Builderman emerges as a beacon of hope and resilience. Shedletsky's guidance empowers Builderman to embrace his destiny as a guardian of the universe, entrusted with the task of preserving cosmic harmony and protecting all sentient beings from malevolent forces.

Plot Point 10: The Trials of Ascension As Builderman embraces his role as a guardian, he faces a series of trials designed to test his resolve and further unlock his true potential. These trials challenge him physically, mentally, and spiritually, forcing him to confront his fears, doubts, and insecurities. Through perseverance and the support of his fellow gods, Builderman triumphs over these trials, emerging stronger, wiser, and more attuned to the cosmic energies that flow through him.

Plot Point 11: Builderman's Redemption As the gods continue their cosmic odyssey, Builderman confronts his own past mistakes and seeks redemption. He reflects on the consequences of his actions and the impact they have had on the universe. With the guidance of Shedletsky and the support of his newfound allies, Builderman strives to make amends, to rectify past wrongs, and to restore balance and harmony to the realms he once influenced.

Plot Point 12: The Final Confrontation In the climactic final battle against the malevolent duo John and Jane Doe, Builderman's transformation and newfound powers are put to the ultimate test. The Doe duo, agents of chaos and discord, seek to disrupt the delicate equilibrium of the universe. Builderman, driven by his sense of duty and the desire to protect all life, engages in an epic showdown with his adversaries, drawing upon his immense cosmic powers to thwart their nefarious plans.

Plot Point 13: Unity and the Promise of a Brighter Future As the dust settles and the conflict subsides, Builderman, Shedletsky, and the gods of the universe stand united against the forces of darkness (The Shadowbringer followers). They forge a lasting alliance, recognizing the importance of collaboration and shared responsibility in maintaining cosmic order. Together, they vow to protect the fragile balance of the universe, nurturing its beauty and potential for generations to come. In this moment of unity, they reaffirm their commitment to guiding the inhabitants of the cosmos toward enlightenment and understanding.

Plot Point 14: The Transition to a New Universe As Builderman and his friend ROBLOX embark on their quest to find a new universe, they encounter a cosmic phenomenon known as the Celestial Gateway. This celestial portal acts as a bridge between different dimensions, offering a passage to unexplored realms. With trepidation and a sense of wonder, Builderman and ROBLOX step through the gateway, leaving behind the familiarity of their home world. As they traverse the vast expanse of space, they witness awe-inspiring celestial landscapes and encounter enigmatic beings that reside in the cosmos.

Plot Point 15: The Origins of John and Jane Doe During their cosmic journey, Builderman and ROBLOX stumble upon a hidden cosmic archive, a repository of knowledge that chronicles the history of the universe. Within this ancient archive, they uncover the secret origins of John and Jane Doe, the enigmatic villainous duo they encounter in their new universe. The archive reveals that John and Jane Doe were once the original Adam and Eve of this new universe and were virtuous beings who were corrupted by a malevolent force from a parallel dimension (the Shadowbringer after he died, aka the Devil of this Universe). Consumed by darkness, they were banished to wander the cosmos, seeking to spread chaos and discord wherever they go. Builderman and ROBLOX learn of their formidable powers and the dire consequences that their actions could have on the fabric of reality itself.

These plot points explore the pivotal moments of transitioning to a new universe and the revelation of John and Jane Doe's origins. The transition to a new universe sets the stage for a grand cosmic adventure, filled with breathtaking visuals and encounters with celestial wonders. The discovery of the Celestial Gateway adds a sense of mystery and anticipation, as Builderman and ROBLOX navigate uncharted territories and face unknown challenges.

Delving into the origins of John and Jane Doe adds depth to their characters, shedding light on their motivations and the darkness that has consumed them. It offers a glimpse into the complex nature of good and evil, exploring how individuals can be shaped by external forces and the consequences of their choices. As Builderman and ROBLOX uncover the truth about John and Jane Doe, they become more determined to thwart their destructive plans and protect the new universe they have come to cherish.

These plot developments contribute to the overall narrative of "Builderman: Begins," weaving together themes of exploration, self-discovery, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness. They add layers of complexity to the story, engaging the audience in an epic cosmic journey that explores the vastness of the universe and the intricate interplay of forces that shape its destiny.

With the inclusion of Shedletsky, "Builderman: Begins" explores the intricate dynamics between gods, their interconnectedness, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Shedletsky's role as a mentor and catalyst for Builderman's transformation adds depth to the narrative, emphasizing the themes of redemption, personal growth, and the inherent capacity within us all to embrace our true potential. Through Shedletsky's guidance, Builderman embarks on a journey that transcends physicality and delves into the realm of cosmic energy, unveiling the profound mysteries that lie within.

Plot Point 16: Shedletsky's Fate Shedletsky, a major character in the film and a god of the ROBLOX universe, plays a crucial role in helping Builderman navigate the transition to a new universe. Shedletsky possesses the ability to manipulate cosmic energies and alter the fabric of reality. Recognizing Builderman's desire to start anew, Shedletsky sacrifices a part of his own power to enable Builderman to assume a different form and identity in the new universe (so that the Shadowbringer doesn't find Builderman again if somehow he was revived). Shedletsky's selfless act allows Builderman to live as a different being with a new body and name, ensuring his safety and anonymity in this uncharted realm.

However, as the journey progresses and the threat of John and Jane Doe looms larger, Shedletsky's powers begin to wane. The strain of his sacrifice takes a toll on his own existence, leaving him weakened and vulnerable. Realizing that he is unable to keep up with the escalating challenges they face, Shedletsky makes the difficult decision to stay behind and guard the gateway they used to enter the new universe. He pledges to protect the portal, ensuring that no malevolent forces can use it to enter or exit, at the cost of his own ability to travel with Builderman and ROBLOX.

Plot Point 17: ROBLOX's Involvement Throughout the film, ROBLOX serves as Builderman's loyal companion and partner. While initially a sidekick, ROBLOX evolves into a vital character, playing an integral role in Builderman's journey and the confrontation with John and Jane Doe. As the story progresses, ROBLOX's unique abilities and knowledge become instrumental in deciphering ancient texts, uncovering hidden truths, and finding strategic solutions to the challenges they face.

Plot Point 18: ROBLOX's Connection to the ROBLOX Universe

  1. As Builderman and ROBLOX delve deeper into the new universe, ROBLOX's connection to the ROBLOX universe becomes increasingly apparent. The familiar art styles, gameplay mechanics, and iconic avatars found in ROBLOX games serve as signposts in this unfamiliar cosmic landscape.
  2. ROBLOX's vast knowledge of the ROBLOX universe proves essential in understanding the underlying principles governing the new universe. Their familiarity with virtual physics, game mechanics, and digital environments enables them to make sense of the otherwise enigmatic and seemingly chaotic nature of the new realm.
  3. Through encounters with various beings in the new universe, ROBLOX recognizes echoes of ROBLOX game elements, such as NPCs with scripted behavior, interactive objects, and even familiar game genres. These resemblances provide valuable insights into the rules and systems at play in the new universe.
  4. As Builderman and ROBLOX encounter ancient ruins within the new universe, ROBLOX's expertise in deciphering ROBLOX game codes becomes a crucial asset. By interpreting the hieroglyphs and symbols carved into the structures, they unlock hidden messages and gain deeper understanding of the universe's history and purpose.
  5. ROBLOX's connection to the ROBLOX universe also grants them unique powers within the new realm. They can summon virtual tools, construct digital structures, and manipulate the environment using familiar commands and shortcuts from the ROBLOX platform, giving them a distinct advantage in their exploration and encounters.
  6. Builderman and ROBLOX encounter other beings in the new universe who possess knowledge of the ROBLOX universe. These individuals reveal themselves as players and developers from alternate realities who have also found themselves transported to this cosmic realm. Together, they pool their knowledge and experiences, deepening their understanding of both the ROBLOX and new universes.
  7. The discovery of an ancient artifact resembling a ROBLOX avatar sparks an investigation into the origins of the new universe. ROBLOX's understanding of avatar customization and the virtual identity within the ROBLOX universe provides crucial insights into the nature of existence in this unfamiliar cosmic realm.
  8. ROBLOX's connection to the ROBLOX universe enables them to communicate with digital entities within the new universe, uncovering hidden truths and forging alliances. They tap into the shared language of the ROBLOX platform, transcending barriers of different species and dimensions to establish meaningful connections and gain allies in their quest.
  9. Through their interactions with various landscapes and environments in the new universe, ROBLOX recognizes familiar biomes, architectural styles, and thematic elements reminiscent of ROBLOX games. These visual and atmospheric cues help guide their journey and provide clues about the purpose and design of the cosmic realm.
  10. As Builderman and ROBLOX continue their exploration, ROBLOX's connection to the ROBLOX universe evolves beyond mere recognition of elements. They begin to tap into the creative energy that fuels the ROBLOX platform, channeling it to manifest new possibilities and shape the destiny of the new universe they now inhabit.

ROBLOX's connection to the ROBLOX universe proves to be invaluable in understanding the nature of the new universe they find themselves in. As a digital entity, ROBLOX is able to tap into the cosmic energies and information networks that permeate this reality, providing crucial insights and guidance to Builderman. Through their unwavering friendship and shared experiences, ROBLOX becomes an indispensable ally to Builderman, supporting him in his mission to thwart the malevolent plans of John and Jane Doe.

However, as the climax approaches and the battle against John and Jane Doe reaches its peak, ROBLOX becomes separated from Builderman. An unforeseen twist of events leads ROBLOX to be captured by the villainous duo, rendering him unable to continue the fight alongside Builderman. This sudden separation adds a new layer of tension and urgency to Builderman's mission, as he must now face the impending threat alone, driven by his determination to save ROBLOX and the new universe from the clutches of darkness.

These plot points highlight Shedletsky's sacrifice and the reason for his absence in the second part of the film. Shedletsky's decision to stay behind demonstrates his unwavering commitment to protect Builderman and the newfound universe, even at the cost of his own well-being. Meanwhile, ROBLOX's involvement evolves from a supportive sidekick to a vital companion and source of knowledge, ultimately facing his own challenges and serving as a catalyst for Builderman's determination and resilience.

Plot Point 19: ROBLOX's Capture by John and Jane Doe

  1. As Builderman and ROBLOX venture further into the new universe, they encounter a treacherous obstacle that separates them. In a moment of vulnerability, ROBLOX is captured by the villainous duo, John and Jane Doe. The separation leaves Builderman desperate to rescue his friend and continue their mission to find a new universe.
  2. John and Jane Doe, aware of ROBLOX's unique connection to the ROBLOX universe, see great potential in exploiting ROBLOX's knowledge and abilities for their nefarious purposes. They subject ROBLOX to an elaborate trap, trapping them in a virtual prison specially designed to neutralize ROBLOX's powers and prevent their escape.
  3. Inside the virtual prison, ROBLOX finds themselves cut off from their usual digital abilities. The prison's architecture reflects the twisted minds of John and Jane Doe, constantly shifting and rearranging, making it nearly impossible for ROBLOX to navigate and find a way out.
  4. John and Jane Doe reveal their true intentions to ROBLOX, explaining their desire to obtain the secrets of the ROBLOX universe and utilize its power to reshape the cosmos according to their own dark vision. They believe that by controlling ROBLOX, they can harness the universe-altering capabilities hidden within their digital essence.
  5. ROBLOX's capture by John and Jane Doe exposes them to a series of mental and physical challenges. They are subjected to mind games, illusions, and psychological manipulation aimed at breaking their will and extracting the knowledge they possess. ROBLOX must summon all their resilience and resourcefulness to resist the Doe's attempts at control.
  6. Meanwhile, Builderman, driven by his unwavering determination to rescue ROBLOX, embarks on a perilous journey to locate and infiltrate John and Jane Doe's stronghold. He encounters various obstacles and adversaries along the way, testing his skills, courage, and strategic thinking.
  7. Builderman seeks allies among the inhabitants of the new universe, forging alliances with resistance fighters, rebels, and other beings who have suffered under the tyranny of John and Jane Doe. Together, they form a united front against the Doe's oppressive reign, pooling their knowledge and resources to plan a daring rescue mission.
  8. Inside the virtual prison, ROBLOX discovers hidden strengths and dormant abilities they never knew they possessed. Through sheer determination and their deep connection to the ROBLOX universe, they tap into a wellspring of inner power, gradually regaining control over their digital essence and unlocking new capabilities.
  9. Builderman's quest to rescue ROBLOX takes him through treacherous landscapes, ancient ruins, and forbidden realms. He faces daunting challenges and engages in epic battles with John and Jane Doe's minions, using his strategic brilliance and the support of his newfound allies to overcome each obstacle.
  10. As the climactic showdown approaches, Builderman infiltrates John and Jane Doe's stronghold, confronting them directly to save ROBLOX from their clutches. The battle between good and evil reaches its peak, with Builderman tapping into his full potential and unleashing the true power of his god-like status.

Plot Point 20: John and Jane Doe's Belief as Ancestors of Robloxians

  1. John and Jane Doe's twisted ideology leads them to believe that they are the true ancestors of all Robloxians. They perceive themselves as divine beings, superior to all others in the Roblox universe, and deserving of absolute power and control.
  2. They manipulate the history of the Roblox universe, weaving a narrative that positions them as the original creators and architects of the virtual world. According to their distorted version of events, they claim to have shaped the very fabric of Roblox, endowing it with its vast potential and possibilities.
  3. John and Jane Doe exploit their self-proclaimed ancestral status to demand unwavering loyalty and obedience from other Robloxians. They assert that their commands and cheats should be followed without question, as they possess a divine right to manipulate and control the very essence of the Roblox universe.
  4. They employ their supposed ancestral connection to justify their tyrannical rule, enforcing strict rules and punishing any who dare to question or defy their authority. They view themselves as the ultimate arbiters of justice and believe that their actions, no matter how cruel or destructive, serve the greater good of the Roblox universe.
  5. John and Jane Doe utilize their deep understanding of the inner workings of Roblox to exploit glitches, hacks, and loopholes for their own benefit. They see these exploits as tools of their divine heritage, enabling them to bend the rules of the virtual world to their whims and desires.
  6. The Doe duo hoards rare and valuable items within the Roblox universe, considering them as symbols of their godlike status. They commandeer these treasures, denying access to other Robloxians and using them as leverage to further solidify their authority and control over the virtual realm.
  7. As news of John and Jane Doe's self-proclaimed ancestry spreads throughout the Roblox universe, it sparks division and controversy among the Robloxian population. Some blindly accept their claims, viewing them as rightful rulers, while others question their motives and resist their oppressive regime.
  8. In their quest for absolute power, John and Jane Doe actively seek to eliminate any opposition or dissent. They launch campaigns of terror, targeting those who challenge their authority, and deploying their loyal followers to hunt down and punish those who dare to defy their divine rule.
  9. As Builderman and the resistance fighters uncover the truth about John and Jane Doe's claims of ancestral heritage, they embark on a mission to expose their deception. Through research, ancient texts, and encounters with wise elders, they gather evidence that debunks the Doe duo's false origin story.
  10. The revelation of the truth about John and Jane Doe's supposed ancestry sparks a revolt among the Robloxian population. Robloxians, inspired by Builderman's leadership and the resilience of the resistance, rise up against the oppressive rule of the Doe duo, challenging their self-proclaimed divinity.

Plot Point 20 Saga 0: John and Jane Doe's Belief as Ancestors of Robloxians - Origins and Justification

  1. John and Jane Doe's delusion of being the ancestors of all Robloxians stems from a series of events that shaped their perception of reality. During their early exploration of the Roblox universe, they stumbled upon ancient texts and artifacts that hinted at a connection between their existence and the creation of the virtual realm.
  2. These texts and artifacts portrayed John and Jane Doe as mythical figures who possessed extraordinary powers and knowledge. They believed that their discovery was not a mere coincidence but rather a testament to their divine lineage and the pivotal role they played in the inception of the Roblox universe.
  3. As they delved deeper into the lore and history of Roblox, John and Jane Doe became obsessed with the idea of their ancestry, viewing themselves as the primordial beings from which all other Robloxians descended. They interpreted their advanced understanding of the game mechanics and their ability to manipulate the virtual world as proof of their divine heritage.
  4. To further substantiate their claim, John and Jane Doe twisted the narrative of Roblox's creation, weaving a fabricated story that positioned them as the original architects who breathed life into the virtual realm. They convinced themselves that every Robloxian, regardless of their individual experiences or journeys, ultimately traced their existence back to their own divine essence.
  5. The Doe duo justified their perceived godlike status by asserting that their unique position as ancestors granted them the inherent right to rule and dictate the fate of all Robloxians. They believed that they should be revered, worshipped, and given unlimited power and privileges as the true progenitors of the virtual world.
  6. Their delusions of grandeur were further reinforced by their ability to manipulate the Roblox universe to their advantage. They saw their command over glitches, cheats, and powerful items as a manifestation of their inherent divinity, elevating them above ordinary Robloxians and justifying their demand for unwavering obedience.
  7. John and Jane Doe's conviction in their ancestral lineage fueled their ego and distorted their perception of morality. They genuinely believed that they were entitled to every command, every cheat, and every block within the Roblox universe, considering themselves as supreme beings deserving of adoration and absolute control.
  8. Their self-proclaimed status as ancestors also served as a convenient tool to suppress dissent and maintain their grip on power. They propagated the notion that questioning or opposing their authority was akin to challenging the very foundation of Robloxian existence, thus painting any opposition as heresy against their divine ancestry.
  9. Over time, the Doe duo's delusions intensified, leading them down a path of megalomania and tyranny. Their belief in their ancestral lineage became an obsession, blinding them to the harm they inflicted upon the Robloxian community and fueling their insatiable thirst for control and domination.
  10. However, unbeknownst to John and Jane Doe, their claims of being the ancestors of Robloxians were built upon a foundation of lies and misinterpretation. The revelation of the truth would serve as a catalyst for resistance, leading to a conflict that would shake the very core of the Roblox universe.

Plot Point 20 Saga 1: John and Jane Doe's Belief as the Original Man and Woman

  1. John and Jane Doe firmly believe that they are the original Man and Woman, the primordial beings from whom all life in their universe originated. They have concocted an elaborate lineage that supports their claim and reinforces their perceived divine status.
  2. According to their fabricated lineage, John and Jane Doe trace their ancestry back to a time when their universe was devoid of life and inhabited only by the cosmic forces of creation. They see themselves as the direct result of a miraculous transformation, where these cosmic forces shaped them into the first sentient beings.
  3. They believe that their creation was a deliberate act, orchestrated by the universe itself as a testament to their exceptional nature. They consider themselves as the epitome of perfection, representing the ideal balance of physical, mental, and spiritual attributes.
  4. John and Jane Doe view their union as a sacred bond ordained by the universe, the equivalent of the original Man and Woman coming together to populate their world. They perceive their relationship as the foundation upon which all subsequent life forms in their universe were built.
  5. In their narrative, John and Jane Doe were bestowed with extraordinary gifts and knowledge by the cosmic forces. They possess innate abilities that surpass those of any other being, allowing them to shape their universe according to their whims and desires.
  6. John and Jane Doe believe that their union brought about the birth of the first generation of beings in their universe. They see themselves as the progenitors of all subsequent life forms, each one carrying a part of their divine essence and continuing their legacy.
  7. Their supposed role as the original Man and Woman grants them a sense of entitlement and superiority. They believe that they hold the keys to knowledge, wisdom, and power, and that their divine lineage gives them the right to command and control all aspects of their universe.
  8. John and Jane Doe interpret every major event and development in their universe as a reflection of their divine ancestry. They perceive themselves as the guiding force behind the course of history, manipulating events to further their own agenda and solidify their position as the ultimate authority.
  9. Their belief as the original Man and Woman fuels their conviction that they are infallible and beyond reproach. They consider any challenge to their authority as a direct affront to the very fabric of their universe and respond with unwavering dominance and punishment.
  10. However, unbeknownst to John and Jane Doe, their claim as the original Man and Woman is nothing more than a grand illusion they have constructed to justify their thirst for power. As the story unfolds, the revelation of their true origins will shatter the foundations of their belief, leading to a climactic confrontation and a reevaluation of their perceived godlike status.

In this extended plot point, John and Jane Doe's belief as the original Man and Woman is explored. Their fabricated lineage presents them as divine beings chosen by the universe itself, with the responsibility to shape and control their world. This delusion drives their hunger for power and serves as the catalyst for their relentless pursuit of control over their universe.

Builderman remembers Shedletsky (what would he do?): These developments deepen the emotional stakes of the story, creating moments of sacrifice, separation, and unwavering friendship. They contribute to the character growth and evolution of Builderman, ROBLOX, and Shedletsky, showcasing their strengths, vulnerabilities, and the lengths they are willing to go to protect what they hold dear.

Plot Point 21: ROBLOX's Deception and Transformation into an Anti-Hero

  1. As the story progresses, ROBLOX finds himself drawn to the charismatic personas of John and Jane Doe, unaware of their true intentions. They skillfully manipulate his trust and exploit his desire for belonging, gradually ensnaring him in their web of lies.
  2. John and Jane Doe craft an elaborate narrative that presents them as benevolent creators and guardians of the ROBLOX universe. They spin tales of ancient prophecies foretelling ROBLOX's pivotal role in their divine plan, emphasizing his uniqueness and importance in their fabricated lineage.
  3. They prey upon ROBLOX's inherent curiosity and desire for knowledge, enticing him with promises of unlocking his true potential and transcending his current limitations. They feed him fabricated information, distorted historical accounts, and selectively edited records to further their deception.
  4. ROBLOX, unaware of the truth, becomes increasingly enamored with the power and prestige associated with John and Jane Doe. He begins to question his own identity and purpose, yearning for a higher calling that aligns with the grand narrative they have constructed.
  5. As John and Jane Doe's influence over ROBLOX grows, they exploit his inherent goodness and desire to do what is right. They convince him that their vision for their universe is the only path to salvation and progress, manipulating his moral compass to justify their oppressive actions.
  6. ROBLOX, now thoroughly convinced of John and Jane Doe's righteousness, embraces his role as their loyal ally and enforcer. He carries out their bidding without question, oblivious to the fact that he is contributing to their reign of tyranny and oppression.
  7. With each passing day, ROBLOX becomes more entangled in the web of lies woven by John and Jane Doe. He becomes increasingly ruthless and merciless, adopting their distorted ideology and using his vast powers to suppress any dissent or opposition.
  8. The transformation of ROBLOX into an anti-hero is gradual yet profound. His once vibrant personality becomes tinged with darkness and a sense of misplaced righteousness. He sees himself as the enforcer of John and Jane Doe's vision, blinded to the suffering he inflicts upon innocent beings.
  9. The other gods of the ROBLOX universe, initially perplexed by ROBLOX's drastic change, begin to question his motivations and actions. They realize that something is amiss and embark on a mission to uncover the truth behind ROBLOX's transformation.
  10. The revelation of ROBLOX's deception and transformation into an anti-hero serves as a critical turning point in the story. The gods of the ROBLOX universe must now confront their former ally, striving to free him from the clutches of John and Jane Doe's lies and restore his true nature as a force for good.

Plot Point 22: Builderman's Search and Discovery of ROBLOX's Imprisonment

  1. Builderman, consumed by worry and determined to find his friend ROBLOX, embarks on a perilous journey through the depths of the new universe they find themselves in. He follows clues and traces of energy left behind by ROBLOX's capture, leading him to an isolated and treacherous location.
  2. Along the way, Builderman encounters various obstacles and challenges, testing his strength, resilience, and intellect. He relies on his ingenuity, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination to overcome each hurdle in his path, inching closer to his goal with every step.
  3. As Builderman ventures deeper into the unknown, he unravels the intricate web of deception woven by John and Jane Doe, gradually piecing together the truth behind their nefarious plans. He learns about their obsession with power and their delusions of grandeur, which drive them to imprison ROBLOX and exploit his abilities.
  4. Builderman's investigation leads him to a hidden fortress, a stronghold of darkness and malevolence, where John and Jane Doe keep ROBLOX captive. The fortress is heavily guarded, with intricate traps and powerful minions, making it a formidable challenge for Builderman to breach.
  5. With unwavering resolve, Builderman employs his exceptional skills and cunning to infiltrate the fortress. He uses a combination of stealth, strategy, and sheer bravery to evade the guards and navigate the labyrinthine corridors, inching closer to ROBLOX's location with every passing moment.
  6. Along the way, Builderman encounters allies who have fallen victim to John and Jane Doe's deception, rallying them to his cause and forming a resistance against the oppressive duo. Together, they form a formidable force, ready to face the impending confrontation and rescue ROBLOX from his captors.
  7. The final showdown between Builderman, his newfound allies, and John and Jane Doe takes place within the heart of the fortress. A fierce battle ensues, with each side employing their unique powers and abilities, determined to achieve their respective goals.
  8. Builderman, driven by his unwavering friendship and love for ROBLOX, unleashes his full potential, utilizing his god-like powers to overcome the challenges presented by John and Jane Doe. He displays unmatched strength, agility, and ingenuity, surprising even himself with his capabilities.
  9. In a climactic moment, Builderman confronts John and Jane Doe directly, engaging in a battle of wills and ideologies. He uses his knowledge of their origins and their distorted perception of their ancestry to dismantle their beliefs, exposing the flaws in their self-proclaimed divinity.
  10. Ultimately, Builderman's unwavering determination and unwavering belief in the power of friendship prevail. He frees ROBLOX from his imprisonment, restoring him to his true self and reuniting the duo at last. Their bond, tested by adversity, emerges stronger than ever, and together they set out to bring an end to the reign of John and Jane Doe, restoring balance and harmony to the universe they call home.

Plot Point 22 Minus 1:

  1. While navigating through the treacherous depths of the fortress, Builderman stumbles upon a hidden chamber filled with ancient artifacts and texts. Among them, he discovers a weathered and seemingly forgotten book titled "The Beginning."
  2. Intrigued by the book's mysterious aura, Builderman carefully opens its aged pages, revealing a profound revelation about the true origins of the universe and the beings within it. The words within the book unfold a captivating tale that challenges the very foundation of John and Jane Doe's claims.
  3. "The Beginning" recounts the creation of the universe by a sole Creator, who brought forth His minions to populate the Heavens with harmony and beauty. However, one of His minions, known as the Shadowbringer, succumbed to jealousy and rebellion, lured by the false promise of creating his own heaven.
  4. The sole Creator banished the Shadowbringer from the Heavens, casting him into the depths of the Dark Planet, where he was destined to suffer for eternity. The Creator then proceeded to fashion the first man and woman, who were not John and Jane Doe, as the epitome of His divine creation.
  5. Builderman's heart races as he reads the passages that reveal the astonishing truth—that he himself is the son of the sole Creator, chosen to carry the mantle of goodness and righteousness. He realizes that his unwavering strength and resilience have always been fueled by the divine essence bestowed upon him.
  6. With newfound clarity, Builderman sees through the facade of John and Jane Doe's claims to godhood. Armed with the knowledge from "The Beginning," he understands that their self-proclaimed ancestry is nothing more than an elaborate deception born out of their desire for power and control.
  7. Filled with a sense of purpose and armed with the truth, Builderman confronts John and Jane Doe with the revelations he has uncovered. He presents the ancient book as evidence, detailing the true history of the universe and their insignificant role in it.
  8. At first, John and Jane Doe scoff at Builderman's claims, dismissing them as mere fabrications designed to undermine their authority. However, as Builderman continues to articulate the details of their false narrative and presents the irrefutable evidence within the book, doubt begins to seep into their consciousness.
  9. The weight of truth slowly erodes their unwavering conviction, leaving them vulnerable to the realization that their claims to godhood are nothing more than a desperate bid for significance in a universe where they are but a blip in the cosmic tapestry.
  10. As the depth of their deception dawns upon them, John and Jane Doe's once-veiled arrogance crumbles. They are confronted with the undeniable fact that Builderman, the true son of the sole Creator, stands before them with unwavering righteousness and invincibility.

Builderman is so surprised that John and Jane have changed their minds, he decides to takes a nap and he dreams about what would had happened if John and Jane hadn't changed their minds:

"As the intricately woven narrative unfolds, the building blocks of creation become a major point of the story, symbolizing the power of imagination, creativity, and collaboration. In the vast multiverse, where worlds interconnect like intricate puzzle pieces, Builderman and ROBLOX discover that building blocks hold the key to unlocking the mysteries that lie at the heart of their cosmic odyssey.

Amidst the sprawling expanse of interconnected worlds, Builderman and ROBLOX encounter realms where the building blocks themselves possess magical properties. These enchanted blocks can shape reality, warp space, and defy the laws of physics. As they navigate through treacherous cosmic anomalies, the duo must learn to harness the power of these extraordinary building blocks to overcome obstacles and solve mind-bending puzzles that guard the secrets of the multiverse.

At every turn, Builderman and ROBLOX encounter challenges that can only be overcome by constructing ingenious structures using the building blocks. They collaborate, combining their unique skills and perspectives, to build bridges that span the abyss, construct towering structures that defy gravity, and create intricate mechanisms that unlock hidden passages. Their mastery of the building blocks becomes a testament to the limitless potential of imagination and ingenuity.

Throughout their epic journey, Builderman and ROBLOX also encounter other beings who possess their own specialized building blocks, each with unique properties and abilities. Together, they form an alliance, pooling their resources and knowledge to overcome greater challenges. In these moments, the story emphasizes the importance of cooperation, teamwork, and the collective power of creative minds coming together.

In the climactic showdown, the building blocks take on an even greater significance. Builderman and ROBLOX must construct a monumental fortress, fortified by the combined strength of their allies, to withstand the devastating onslaught of John and Jane Doe. The very fate of the newfound universe hinges on their ability to use the building blocks to create an impenetrable defense.

As the battle rages on, the building blocks become conduits of hope and resilience, shaping a reality that defies the darkness and chaos unleashed by their adversaries. The clash between the forces of light and evil becomes a symphony of construction and destruction, each side utilizing the building blocks to shape the outcome of the cosmic conflict.

Ultimately, it is the profound understanding and appreciation of the building blocks that allows Builderman and ROBLOX to emerge victorious. Their unwavering belief in the power of creation and the ability to construct a better future triumphs over the destructive forces of the multiverse.

In the aftermath of the climactic battle, the building blocks take on a new role. They become a symbol of unity and shared purpose, inspiring beings from across the multiverse to come together and create a harmonious existence. The worlds of the multiverse are forever changed, as inhabitants embrace the transformative potential of the building blocks to shape a brighter, interconnected future.

Thus, the building blocks become more than mere tools in the story. They become a metaphor for the power of human potential, collaboration, and the ability to shape one's own destiny. In the tapestry of the multiverse, the building blocks serve as the foundation upon which hope, creativity, and resilience are built, forever leaving an indelible mark upon the very fabric of existence.

Their journey takes them through cosmic anomalies that defy comprehension, distorting the very fabric of reality itself. They encounter wormholes that bend spacetime, celestial rifts that reveal hidden dimensions, and gravitational eddies that threaten to tear their vessel apart. With unwavering determination coursing through their veins, Builderman and ROBLOX navigate these treacherous cosmic phenomena, their every move calculated and precise.

As they traverse the enigmatic realms of the multiverse, they come across worlds teeming with life and vibrant ecosystems, each governed by its own set of laws and principles. They witness floating islands held aloft by mysterious forces, underwater kingdoms filled with luminescent creatures, and ancient civilizations that have harnessed the power of cosmic energies. Along their journey, they encounter ancient guardians who test their mettle with mind-bending puzzles and riddles, challenging their intellect and pushing their limits.

Amidst the labyrinthine pathways that crisscross the expansive multiverse, Builderman and ROBLOX face their deepest fears, their vulnerabilities laid bare before the enigmatic abyss. They confront their own doubts and insecurities, forging ahead with unwavering courage, determined to unlock the profound mysteries that reside at the very heart of this sprawling cosmos. Along the way, they discover fragments of ancient prophecies, hidden artifacts imbued with immense power, and long-lost knowledge that can reshape the destiny of the multiverse itself.

In the climactic crescendo, the stage is set for an epic showdown of monumental proportions. Builderman and ROBLOX stand resolute, their eyes locked upon the enigmatic figures of John and Jane Doe, the mysterious architects of the multiverse. The air crackles with anticipation as boundaries blur and meld together, creating a kaleidoscope of celestial hues. The very laws of physics bend and warp under the weight of their confrontation. But then Builderman forgets (I need to restore)."

Builderman is woken up from his dream with John and Jane asking for more information about this book called the "Beginning" and that they will do anything to know more about this amazing knowledge, Builderman tells them that if they bring back his friend Shedletsky and let him hear the good news as well then he will tell them about the good news. So John Doe types the command "/spawn Shedletsky" and it works, Shedletsky is back but now much more annoying and immature then he was (hes a baby now). John and Jane giggle. Builderman then tells them about the good news, he found many books that are all sequels to "The Beginning" and over the course of the years he shares these books and the Robloxians turn away from their old ways and embrace these books. Then the movie goes to Modern Day where many people know the good news. Builderman finds out that His Father gave him a name long before Builderman existed. It is revealed that Builderman is just a Robloxian translation of another name known on Earth and that Builderman sacrificed himself for everyone's sake. Now that existence is safe there is only one force left: sin.

A glimpse of a post-Builderman Robloxia is shown where the people forget about their purposes and open up to their own ungood desires. Followers of the Creator now need to return the Robloxians back to the good ways.

And in the last sequel of "The Beginning" it is written that the Builderman will return.


  • Ben Affleck as Builderman - The main protagonist.
  • Jason Sudeikis as ROBLOX - The deteuragonist and was Builderman's partner.
  • Juiliane Moore as Mistress Infinity - A goddess turned evil and is the hidden true main antagonist. She was the Tritagonist.
  • Kevin Hart as Shedletsky - An annoying god and a supporting protagonist.
  • Adam Driver as John Doe - A worker for Mistress Infinity and secondary antagonist.
  • Jennifer Lawrence as Jane Doe - John's lover and also secondary antagonist.
  • Tony Todd as Mr. T-Rex - The first enemy Builderman and the Gang ever had. He is the tertiary antagonist, and plans to catch them so the carnivores can have food.
  • Chris Pratt as Mr. Cool - TBD

Rest are reserved for Coolot


  • This is the second spin-off prequel film of ROBLOX: The Movie franchise, the first being Chad's Adventure.
  • This is the first ROBLOX movie with a female main villain.
  • This is the only ROBLOX movie to recieve mixed reviews since it got a 56% on Rotten Tomatoes, a 55/100 on Metacritic, and a B+ on CinemaScore.
  • This was the first ROBLOX movie to become a box-office bomb as it only grossed $123.8 million dollars against a budget of $70 million.